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Ex Officio Directors

The Honorable Jimmy Gray
Mayor, City of Hampton & Honorary President


Leonard Sledge

Economic Development Director, City of Hampton

Mary Bunting
City Manager, City of Hampton


Steven L. Brown

Vice Mayor, City of Hampton

Dr. Raymond Haynes
Superintendent, City of Hampton


Jennifer Oliver
Hampton City Schools

Executive Board

The Executive Board, Directors, Committee Chairs and Student Representatives proudly serve as Hampton Ambassadors on behalf of our community! We engage and participate in programs to foster and promote friendly relations and mutual understanding between our community and citizens of our four sister cities. We are people making a difference globally!

Dianne Peterson
City of Hampton, Retired 
Vice President
Dr. Sean Chu
Research Materials Engineer, NASA
Shirley Turner
Zel Technologies Inc.

Alison Moir
Newport News City Schools

Marketing & Membership
Valencia Jowers
A Graphics Experience, CEO

Committee Chairs & Directors

Ryan Adams
Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action

Student Director
Kahlen Crawley
Hampton City Schools

Vice President
Vivian Griese
Hampton City Schools, Retired

Student Director
Queenie Grethell Balingit
Hampton City Schools

Chair, Pietermaritzburg Committee
Brittany Foster
Hampton City Schools


Darla Sexton

Blueskies Art Gallery, Owner

Chair, Anyang Committee
Dr. Sean Chu
Research Materials Engineer, NASA

Chair, Vendôme Committee
Tanika Gonzales
Homeschool Educator

Vice Chair, Southampton Committee
Marty Tennille
Hampton Resident

Chair, Southampton Committee

Geoffrey Tennille

Hampton Resident

Privacy Policy  |  501(3)c Organization  |  Sister Cites of Hampton, Inc |  PO Box 556  |  Hampton, VA 23669-0556  |  ©2025 Sister Cities Hampton
Site Design by A Graphics Experience  |   Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software