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This Just In

Thanks to 18 donors, we raised $1,400.00 during the 757 giving campaign. These donations will help fund our "Future Global Thinkers" scholarship! This year we have extended the opportunity to give all year long, so there is still time to support our worthy cause.

Photo Gallery

A picture can truly be worth a thousand words. That's why we make it a point to try to capture our participation in community events and international exchange visits while providing stunning views of some of our Sister Cities. You are sure to enjoy!

Partner With Us

As we navigate these extraordinary times, remember that you are amazingly strong. We must STAND TOGETHER as we advance the mission of fostering goodwill between our local and international communities. We are one humanity.

Support Us

We make it easy for you to help Hampton Sister Cities achieve our mission! Whether you are a corporate business, public/ private organization, student, family or individual, we've got some affordable giving opportunities with you in mind!

Greetings from our Mayor
On behalf of the City Council and all of our residents, I can’t tell you how proud we are of Hampton’s affiliation with Sister Cities. This is a program that gives us the opportunity to serve as an ambassador for our own community to bring people together from all around the globe. When President Dwight Eisenhower began this program in 1956, he talked of a common purpose that benefits communities on a fundamental level, and about “the great promise of people-to-people and sister city affiliations in helping build the solid structure of world peace.” A half-century later, we still have faith in that concept. During my time on City Council, I visited Anyang, South Korea, and our newest Sister City of Malanje in Angola. We also have Sister Cities in England, France and South Africa, and I’m hoping to visit each of them as mayor. Sister Cities of Hampton gives us the opportunity to interact culturally, educationally and economically with these communities in a way that enriches us all.

Jimmy Gray, Mayor City of Hampton,
Honorary Chairman, Sister Cities of Hampton

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